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Mou-te Bé, the free public bicycle for TIB users.

Mou-te Bé, the free public bicycle for TIB users.

The service is aimed at Intermodal Card holders who have travelled on the network that day.

Mou-te Bé is the TIB's free public bicycle service designed so that users of interurban public transport can continue their journey around Palma. It is available free of charge for Intermodal Card holders travelling on the transport network that day.
The bicycle is a sustainable and healthy means of transport, ideal for urban mobility. That is why we are firmly committed to the public bicycle system. Thanks to the Mou-te Bé service, TIB users can use a bicycle free of charge all day long.
The conditions for using the service are: to be 17 years old or older, to have travelled that day on the TIB network using the Intermodal Card and to return the bicycle the same day. In addition, the user has to sign a contract on the first day that he/she orders a bicycle.
The only place to pick up the bicycles is the information point at the Palma Intermodal Station.

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